Monday, October 19, 2009

The President and his opponents

For at the first time that I can recall, we have an American President who has determined that he has domestic enemies. (I'll spot you a Richard Milhouse Nixon but he's before my time) Most Presidents certain do have enemies domestically but they are typically of the political type. Democrats have Republicans, Republicans have Democrats, Democrats have the Greens, Republicans have the Libertarians or the Reform partiers. But it has been widely understood that those are simply opponents in the never ending battle to determine Americas future direction as well as the spoils of war in the way of policy, pork, appointments, appropriations, pork, power, pork and all of the various variations of the latter.

(if you want to break into a Monty Python skit about spam, spam, spam and eggs, this would be the right time.)

President Obama has taken the art of domestic politics to a whole 'notha level - unless you already live in Chicago and this will all be old news to you and you can just skip to the bottom of the page.

In seemingly every address the President makes He addresses His critics or political opposition. This is already fairly unusual especially in the first year of a Presidency. The new Prince typically is trying hard to build some consensus and determine who is and isn't a real friend. But Obama appears to just be waiting for the screams of the persons and groups who don't want to get steamrolled by the massive lurch leftward into european socialism.

Whether or not you considered yourself a friend of Obama or not, any sign of opposition to Him could get you on the recieving end of a public tirade and you'll be unlikely to recognize yourself or your concerns once you hear it coming out of the mouth of The One. Your own words will be turned into the most hideous thing you've ever heard and He might even convince you that you are the one who is a nasty, lying deceiver bent on twisting the truth to further your avarice or special interests (don't worry if you don't yet have a special interest). Hell, you might even decide that you hate yourself after hearing Obama describe you and your opposition to Hope and Change.

Just this week, Obama announced in his weekly Saturday radio address to the nation along with the White House Blog (huh?) a list of 'talking points'. The White House is so brazen that they can tell their followers in the Establishment Media that these are the approved wordings to use to defend His agenda from the evil-doers amongst us. No point is continuing to lie every day about where the media and lefty pundits 'come up with these things'. No point in hiding behind that whole 'Change' thing - this IS the change. This IS transparency. They will transparently tell you what you should think and say (you wouldn't want to be again 'change', would you??).

"...the Insurance Industry is rolling out the big guns...breaking open their massive war save the status quo....filling the airwaves with deceptive and dishonest ads....flooding Capitol Hill with lobbyists...funding studies designed to mislead America...."

Then the rest of the talking point goes on to egregiously commit the exact offenses which Obama just accused the 'insurance industry' of nefariously undertaking. Pot? Kettle for you. Says you're black.

Have you notice that Obama has not a single person, group, entity, party or ideology to which he disagrees that has any merit at all? Not a single argument has ever been made in contradiction to one of his opinions that was not based in some kind of lie, malfeasance or deceitful corruption. Sound a little harsh or broad? Am I sounding like some whining sore loser? Well, go ahead and take a look for yourself.

Name for me the political, ideological or even policy proponent of anything to which Obama disagrees who he has ever acknowledged as simply being another valid point of view. When there was ever a danger that he could be confronted about anything during the campaign, he would just go all 'Hope and Change' on you and refuse to address the issue. And, of course, you remember all those tough interviews he's done where he was confronted about things he's said in the past. (You DO remember them, right? Nobody could have become President without having to have faced some kind of real scrutiny. Right??)

Before you get too excited about calling me out on this one. I have to point out that to be intellectually honest you'll need to provide a person, entity, belief or ideology which Obama ACTUALLY disagrees with. It only takes about 5 minutes to find a clip on the web of Obama telling you what is wrong with so and so. But when He does it He really isn't talking about 'so and so' as much as He is creating a straw man He calls 'so and so' and then handily dispatches them with rhetorical flourish and that arrogant tone He takes when he claims His righteousness. (living in the clouds above us mere mortals can create that impression.)
  • The GOP won't sign the suicide pact which is Obamacare? Then the GOP 'wants to do nothing' while Obama is fighting to provide low cost health care to all the poor people in America and make everybody pay less for their coverage while reducing AIDS, poverty and finally improving the defense of the Detroit Lions. (A shout out to Kwame..Hey-ey!!)

Sure, that's slightly over the top but basically it is what Obama does for a living. The guy has never won a debate in his life. But then again, he has never debated an actual person in any debate he HAS won. Obama debates the enemy of his choosing - a cardboard cut-out of a real life opponent but in such a comical form as to be unrecognizable to any educated observer.

  • Health Insurance companies (who were previously bought off) complain that Obamacare won't work. Does Obama actually address their concerns about how a very low penalty for those who refuse to buy private insurance won't create the massive windfall the insurance companies want in exchange for essentially selling their souls to Obama in the first place? No. Obama whines about how they are putting their 'massive war chests' into play.

Ummm, I don't know if anybody wants to calculate what the value of the TV time Obama gets for free EVERY SINGLE DAY on dozens of TV networks promoting his propaganda would cost compared to a few million in ads which not only aren't trying to stop Obamacare but are trying to make it even MORE expensive to the uninsured (which is what Obama promised them originally when he bought their support).

  • Obama wants to spend $789B on pork barrel projects which will mostly be funded 2-4 years from now and wants it all drafted, typed, voted on and to his desk in 48 hours? The only people who could possibly oppose this level of brilliance and compassion would be obstructionists who like Americans being unemployed and want the economy and America to fail because Obama is (half)black. (I'm not quoting Him directly here but I'm pretty sure that for $1000 bet I could find you enough quotes to prove that He and His minions have said all of this at least once already).

  • Businesses and Republicans oppose the massive tax on carbon (which exists in nature and makes up everything in the physical universe)? Obviously they want to destroy the planet and kill our economy by outsourcing all of our jobs and letting the Chinese take over America and subsequently force us all to watch horrible Chinese Opera on TV since there won't be enough electricity for the other cable channels. Everybody knows the only cure for unemployment is massive tax increases and an end to global warming!!

Okay, now I'm finally going over the top on this. But when you can simply make up the argument for the other side. Then argue against it. And you never have to be anywhere in the vicinity of the people you are purporting to speak against? Why even bother drawing a line between White House propaganda and Monty Pythonesque silliness?

It's only one little step further down the rabbit hole from saying that your political opponents 'have offered absolutely no ideas of their own' while mischaracterizing and distorting those exact ideas so that Americans never get to hear the other side of any debate.

No matter that your political opponents have LOTS of idea and even good ones. Since He only appears as a solo act (Al Gore has been mastering this since he put out that goofy movie and people realized that he was completely nuts), there is no need to have an actual intellectual exercise of posing your argument against your opponents' and explaining why yours is superior.

His rhetoric is typically telepromptered for fear that he will accidentally tell the truth (either about his own agenda or about his opponents'). He waxes on and on about how harmful to America these divise voices are but he has never made even the slightest effort to engage those voices in view of the public. He refuses to appear with anybody unless they have attested to being acolytes (or at least previously bought and/or blackmailed). He won't even appear in front of an audience that hasn't been vetted for doubters or - God Forbid -critics!!!!! Even Clinton sat down with Newt for two hours in New Hampshire like a civilized adult.

Like that freaky dude from Silence of the Lambs, He has finally finished his Oprah suit.

Obama has finally become Oprah.

We all know that Oprah is never wrong. How can she be wrong about her own opinions? And since she never speaks to anyone who disagrees with her, she is free to tell her version of the truth and mischaracterize the reality of any issue she chooses. All Hail The Oprah!

If Obama put on another 100 lbs and wore better makeup, he just might become the first Oprah President (Bill Clinton got credited with being the first black prez, so Obama really needs a new 'first' to keep things fresh and interesting). Obama could come out tomorrow and say that all hamburger in America has 'mad cow' in it and the Establishment Media would immediately find a handful of pundits to confirm that Obama is only trying to protect children from evil, greedy cattle ranchers and Big Beef.

Bill Clinton used to be the King of prevarication. Boy Clinton tried to redefine the word 'is' - on video - in a criminal deposition! That is all kinds of megalomania, chutzpah and arrogance. But Clinton at least argued with actual people. If Clinton had ever gotten the notion that he could simply make up people he argued with, he very well might have his face on our currency by now.

But even with 95% approval in the Establishment Media, Obama has not changed the mind of a single American about what he wants to do. Not one.

(Well, let me prematurely correct myself - he has changed tens of millions of minds about what he is NOT going to be doing - jobs, hope, change, prosperity, post-partisanship, the post-racial thing, etc).

He has not gained one new devotee. Obama has the support of only the truly penitent and those he still has the power to destroy who cannot publicly oppose him. But let's recall that Gaius Julius Caesar held this same position at one point and it was his own colleagues who did him in when they realized he was a dictator and not in that 'kind/benevolent' kinda way.

So let us be mindful to be very honest about quoting The Obama when we disagree with Him (even while he will never return that favor). It will be his undoing in this age of Youtube and archived Google caches. The only way Obama can get His way in the future is if His opponents actually become the caricatures He portrays them in the words which show up on His teleprompter.

Do not give Him that chance. Make Him create His own lies about the rest of America who is not under His spell. And let Him alienate everybody who is not from Chicago and doesn't think that intimidation, propaganda and political pay-offs are the actual legacy of the Founding Fathers.

In other words, make Him live up to the rules of Saul Alinsky.

(and if I forgot to capitalize a 'he' or 'his' somewhere, I meant no disrespect to His faithful flock)

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